Monday, October 23, 2006

music, art and a museum

the cancellation of a movie plan offered me a sunday afternoon in downtown mumbai
now, that doesn't happen often when one lives and works in the suburbs, and i sure did make the most of it

first stop, rhythm house: the numero uno music store in the city located at kala ghoda.
picked up some medidation music, which i hope helps me get some much required shut-eye

second stop, jehangir art gallery: the premier art gallery in mumbai.
my sister has been investing in art over the last year and has occasionally nudged me to go have a dekko at the art scene.
so, i put aside my accountant's coat and walked in to a lovely collection of paintings on love and peace. even chatted up with the artist, who was worried about the supply of unconditional love these days. all his paintings had a female figure (representing radha) and a white and/or red thread running across the picture including the frame - red for love, and white for peace and purity.

third stop, the Prince of Wales museum (now called Chatrapati Shivaji blah blah musuem!)
i don't recollect having been there before, save for perhaps a field trip from my school.
didn't have any expectations, and i was very pleasantly surprised !
the museum is housed in a beautiful building in the fort area and has an impressive collection.
they even have a audio-headset guide!
the miniature paintings section is especially beutiful.

i suppose i have a lot to see in my own city!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

If i were a painter

If i were a painter,
I would paint my memory
If that's the only way for you to be with me

We'd be there together
Just like we used to be
Underneath the swirling skies for all to see

And i'm dreaming of a place
Where i could see your face
And i think
my brush would take me there

But only, if i were a painter
And could paint a memory
Climb inside the swirling skies
To be with you

And i'm dreaming of a place
Where i could see your face
And i think my brush would take me there

But only, if i were a painter
And could paint a memory
Climb inside the swirling skies
To be with you