Monday, October 23, 2006

music, art and a museum

the cancellation of a movie plan offered me a sunday afternoon in downtown mumbai
now, that doesn't happen often when one lives and works in the suburbs, and i sure did make the most of it

first stop, rhythm house: the numero uno music store in the city located at kala ghoda.
picked up some medidation music, which i hope helps me get some much required shut-eye

second stop, jehangir art gallery: the premier art gallery in mumbai.
my sister has been investing in art over the last year and has occasionally nudged me to go have a dekko at the art scene.
so, i put aside my accountant's coat and walked in to a lovely collection of paintings on love and peace. even chatted up with the artist, who was worried about the supply of unconditional love these days. all his paintings had a female figure (representing radha) and a white and/or red thread running across the picture including the frame - red for love, and white for peace and purity.

third stop, the Prince of Wales museum (now called Chatrapati Shivaji blah blah musuem!)
i don't recollect having been there before, save for perhaps a field trip from my school.
didn't have any expectations, and i was very pleasantly surprised !
the museum is housed in a beautiful building in the fort area and has an impressive collection.
they even have a audio-headset guide!
the miniature paintings section is especially beutiful.

i suppose i have a lot to see in my own city!


Blogger Prasann said...

thanks for stopping by. I wish you wrote more write well.

8:09 pm, October 24, 2006  
Blogger /~/ said...

merci prasann!

12:16 am, October 25, 2006  

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