Wednesday, August 23, 2006

movies i missed

here's a list of the movies that i've missed over the years and hope to see them someday (soon)

1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. Fight Club
3. Transamerica
4. Syriana
5. Munich
6. Crash
7. To Kill a Mockingbird
8. Gandhi
9. The Bridge on the River Kwai
10. No Man's Land (Best Foreign Film 2001- Bosnia & Herzgovina)
11. Traffic
12. A Beautiful Mind
13. Little Miss Sunshine (2006 - a comedy: fabulous reviews)
14. C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005 - french movie with a theme)
15. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964- a comedy war movie)

disclaimers: this list is
a) not exhaustive
b) in random order

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

the love clock

I believe love happens in three ways

#1 - The Early Birds

Many people I know, found their love early on in life. Most such couples, my batch mates from school/college are even married to their teenage lovers.
The early bird lovers - I envy and admire them at the same time. Even the ones who aren't married, perhaps are only legally unmarried ;-)

#2 - Love at first sight

My first true love was a case of love at first sight. It lasted all of two months. Took me about 3 years to get over it. It's not happened since. And I doubt it will ever again.

# 3 - The thinking love

Growing up is a hard thing - especially in matters of love. As one grows older, one's self-identity strengthens. One's habits are formed. Busy schedules. More responsibilities. Need for personal space. Life seems more demanding.
One yearns for love. But it seems harder. Elusive. Takes so much effort.

Every potential relationship is scrutinized under a microscope.
'What if's' work over-time in the mind. Soon, the mind plays games and one starts believing that the what-if's are turning into reality. More often than not, one doesn't give the relationship a fair chance to bloom and soon, it ends. "We're on different wavelengths" is the common grouse.
Too cautious? Too afraid of giving someone the power to hurt oneself, again?
Or a case of too many expectations?

After nearly two years, I started dating again this year.
Saying "I love you" once came naturally and with all my heart. Now, those words are substituted by "I adore you" or "I'm fond of you".

Do I now have a 24 point checklist which needs to be met?
Or worse still, no checklist, yet a reason to find fault in every budding flower!

The thinking love.

A friend of mine says true love should be effortless.
I suppose that's only when it's case #1 or #2.
However, I don't fall under those two cases anymore.

Love won't just happen. I must do something to make it happen.
For I am a thinking guy.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

the caterpillar blooms

in order to become
a butterfly ...

one must stop wanting to be
a caterpillar!


For you
it's all in a day
one day in a life
it's all in the one word
the one word is goodbye

For me
it's all in what you say
you've tried to be kind
it's all in the words, and the
lips that once touched mine with a sigh

For you
it's all in your face
the laugh and worry lines
it's all in the word
hope to make you young again

It's all in the play
someone speaks the line
it's all in the one word
it stops and steals the time

For me
it's all in a day
it's the part in life
it's all in the words
to fade and let the circumstance reside

Saturday, August 05, 2006


..made it!
Off for a movie.. Fast & the Furious, the Tokyo Drift!